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Progressive Sales, LLC / Progressive Products is a manufacturing, marketing and sales company that is dedicated to delivering products to the commercial tire industry that promote maximum tire performance. Maximum tire performance means maximum return on investment.

Based in Knoxville, Tennessee, Progressive Products is centrally located and can supply most customers east of the Mississippi within two days. At Progressive Products we are committed to manufacturing only top quality products that are 100% environmentally friendly and completely made in the USA.


Liquid Tire Balance has been available for 20 plus years but it wasn’t until recently that the push to GO GREEN has focused the trucking / tire industry on alternative wheel balancing methods. Trucking fleets, owner operators and tire companies are all finding that Liquid Tire Balance is far more than just a tire balancing product. Historically, lead wheel weights only balanced tires. Today, liquid tire balance delivers far more; it balances, cools & lubricates tires and inhibits rust / wheel corrosion. This all adds up to help maximize tire performance, tire life and fuel mileage.

As the trucking industry moves more and more to aluminum wheels, Progressive Products announced on November 1, 2012 a new formulated Liquid Tire Balance that has the added protection of aluminum corrosion inhibitors.

OTR Rust Inhibitor Semi Truck